“SHIFT STORIES WITH GÜVEN USTA” Opened its Curtains in Edirne on September 17, 2021
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“SHIFT STORIES WITH GÜVEN USTA” Opened its Curtains in Edirne on September 17, 2021

MISGEP Interactive Theater, carried out under the "Interactive Training Seminars through Drama" activity of the Project for Improving Occupational Health and Safety, Especially in the Mining Sector (MISGEP), financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, and carried out by the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety (İSGGM) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, opened its curtains in Ediren on September 17, 2021, with the interactive theater tour “SHIFT STORIES WITH GÜVEN USTA”.

İŞKUR Edirne Provincial Director Şengül ÇİLDAM, SGK Edirne Provincial Director Süleyman LALE and Uzunköprü SGK District Director Murat Aguday participated to the Edirne tour, which was held in the old school garden of Edirne Uzunköprü, Harmanlı Village. Opinions and contributions of the participants were received at the event, which was watched by approximately 115 miners from Üçel, Batı Kömür, Seferoğlu, Akçelik, Vera and Çata Mining employees.

With the MISGEP Tour Stage, which was prepared within the scope of Interactive Education Seminars through Drama, developed with the drama technique, which is one of the most effective methods in understanding human behavior, communication-based issues and abstract concepts, nearly 60 seminars will be held by going to the quarries where the mine workers in more than 30 provinces work and nearly Tenhousand employees will be reached too. MISGEP Tour Stage will visit the provinces of Adıyaman, Mersin, Niğde, Gaziantep, Siirt, Hakkari and Kastamonu to meet with mining workers in September.


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