EU Hygiene Standards Project for Farmers and Food Processors
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EU Hygiene Standards Project for Farmers and Food Processors

Implemented by the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (ARDSI), Technical Assistance for Improving the Awareness of Food Processing Sector and Farmers in Terms of EU Environmental and Hygiene Standards and IPARD Support funded by the EU and the Republic of Turkey, started with a press conference held on 17 January 2019 in Ankara. 

The project, determining the deficiencies of the farmers and food processors within the IPARD II Program in relation to food hygiene, environmental protection and animal welfare with the EU, besides increasing the awareness of the parties on the issue and strengthening the institutional capacity of the ARDSI will take 12 months.

The opening speeches were made by Hakan Kalender, the President of ARDSI and the General Director of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Zekeriya Erdurmuş, in his speech, Hakan Kalender President of the ARDSI stated that the enterprises established with the supports under IPARD must have the EU hygiene and animal welfare standards as its top priorities.

Kalender emphasized that approximately 3 thousand livestock farms and 700 processing plants have been instrumental in achieving EU standards at the point of adaptation with the EU acquis and that the project's outputs would be a guide for farmers and food processors in the future. The primary target groups of the project enclosing 42 provinces, are the staff of The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the staff of The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, farmers and food processors who are potential beneficiaries of IPARD.

The activities of the project include the gaps and needs analysis of EU and local legislation, preparation of the strategy and road map training and awareness seminars in order to reveal the needs and shortcomings of food processors and farmers in terms of food hygiene, environmental protection and animal welfare practices.

European Union Delegation to Turkey, Central Finance and Contracts Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Support Agency representatives and media has participated in the press Conference. 

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