Awareness Raising Meeting
Neslim Arabacıoğlu
/ Categories: Haberler, Boxes

Awareness Raising Meeting

Within the scope of ''Technical Assistance for Empowering Women Through Cooperatives'', Awareness Raising Meeting was held in Bursa on 27 June 2022 with the opening speeches of The Mayor of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mr. Alinur AKTAŞ, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Mr. İbrahim YUMAKLI, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services Ms. Fatma ÖNCÜ and The Governor of Bursa Mr. Yakup CANBOLAT.

With the Bursa Awareness Raising Meeting held within the scope of the project, it was aimed to prepare Provincial Road Maps and Activity Plans to strengthen women's cooperatives, to shape the main framework of the ecosystem-based growth model unique to Türkiye with the participation of all relevant stakeholders in the local area, and to raise awareness about women's cooperative.

Relevant public institutions, local governments, women's cooperatives, women's cooperative unions, mukhtars, non-governmental organisations, private sector representatives in the supply chain and academicians working in the field of cooperatives, which are the target groups of the Project, participated in the meeting intensively.

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