BEGEP In-Service Training Programs Meetings Will Be Held in Ankara Between 4-6 August
Tugce Birgen
/ Categories: Haberler, Boxes

BEGEP In-Service Training Programs Meetings Will Be Held in Ankara Between 4-6 August

Within the scope of the Begep project, the In-Service Training Programs meetings will be held in Ankara between 4-6 August. The contents of the in-service training programs, the methods and strategies foreseen for the presentation of the content with the meetings that will last for three days will be evaluated with the participation of academicians, Ministry of National Education personnel, teachers with educational experience in students with special educational needs, and representatives of relevant NGOs. The opening speeches of the program were made by the Ministry of National Education, General Director of Special Education and Guidance Services, Mr. Mehmet Nezir GÜL and Ministry of National Education, the speechs started with the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services, Head of R&D and Projects Department President, Mr. Durmuş CAN.

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