Technical Assistance Project for Empowerment of the Role of the Ombudsman in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights
Neslim Arabacıoğlu
/ Categories: Haberler, Boxes

Technical Assistance Project for Empowerment of the Role of the Ombudsman in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights

International Knowledge and Experience Sharing Conference

International Knowledge and Experience Sharing Conference on "Migration and Human Rights" was held on 09-11 November 2022 in Istanbul within the scope of the European Union funded "Technical Assistance Project for Empowerment of the Role of the Ombudsman in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights", of which the Central Finance and Contracts Unit of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance is the Contracting Authority. The opening speeches of the conference were made with the participation of the Chief Ombudsman of Türkiye Mr. Şeref Malkoç, representative of the European Union Delegation to Türkiye Mr. Stefano Fantorini, Deputy Minister of the Interior, Mr. İsmail Çataklı. The conference hosted panel sessions on “migration and human rights”. Ombudsman of Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Moldova and Poland, representatives of the Ombudsman Institution, international organisations and public institutions participated in the Conference.

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